Securing the American food supply one hive at a time.

Love A Bee Honey Slathered Grapefruit Sprinkled with Fresh Pollen

Love A Bee Honey Slathered Grapefruit Sprinkled with Fresh Pollen


At Farmer’s markets, I am always asked “What do I do with the pollen?” What IS pollen? What are the health benefits ? Above is a simple and beautiful way to get your Vitamin C, honey (I recommend Love A Bee’s Bodega Bay Blackberry or Smokey Sage) but any light honey will work just fine. Read more about ALL of the benefits of pollen here.

Simply spoon honey over a halved grapefruit and sprinkle with Love A Bee’s Pollen.

Honey Glaze

Love A Bee Watermelon and Cucumber Salad

Love A Bee Watermelon and Cucumber Salad